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About Me

Kay Pomadi
Kay Pomadi Cert. ECBS

Bowen Technique Therapist

based in Audlem, Cheshire

Qualification and additional CPD courses

  • ECBS Certificate of Proficiency

       in The Bowen Technique 2014

  • ECBS Neuro Workshop 2015

  • CBS Lower Limb Workshop 2016

  • CBS Structural Assessment 2018

  • CBS 2 Day CPD Workshop 2022

  • CBS Fascia Bowen 2024


The first time I heard about the Bowen Technique was from a relative who recommended that I try a treatment for my lower back pain.  Two to three days after the first Bowen session the pain had reduced considerably and by the third treatment I was pain free and feeling like my old self again.  During the treatments, it quickly became apparent to me that my interest in Bowen had grown into a desire to learn the technique myself.  So approximately one year after contacting the European College of Bowen Studies (ECBS) I proudly qualified as a Bowen Practitioner in 2014.

In order to qualify I completed five intensive stages of the training with the ECBS that included submitting case studies for at least 48 treatments, a final written examination and practical assessment.  Since qualifying, I have continued with my professional development and attended CPD courses to extend my knowledge and skills and I am committed to developing these further in the future.  I am also a registered practitioner with the College of Bowen Studies (CBS) -

The Bowen Technique not only improved my general well-being but has also given me an unexpected and fulfilling change in career which was previously one in administration and management. My aim is to take the time to understand each of my client’s needs, make them feel at ease and to ensure that their Bowen experience is a positive one.  It gives me great pleasure to see the effect Bowen has and to know a client is leading a more comfortable quality of life.


If there is anything else you would like to know, please contact me as I’m always happy to answer any questions regarding Bowen and the treatments that I provide.

The Bowen Technique is not a replacement for medical advice.  Please seek medical advice if you have concerns about your health prior to booking.

email:         tel/text:  07818 687009         Location:  Audlem, Cheshire

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